Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Simple Pleasures

Kenyans are doing something right -- they are incredibly happy! Maybe it's an appreciation of the little things.

Crayons -- adding color to learning.

Backpacks to carry school supplies on our walk to/from school.

A friend to lean on.

Growth in the school garden!

Wheat to feed us.

School snack!

Beautiful sunsets.

A new friend. 

Cool shades!

An opportunity to tell my story.

A laugh with a friend.
A hearty meal.

A game during breaktime.

Soccer with classmates.

New desks!

A new experience: feeling this American teacher's hair.

Learning to selfie. 

Sharing a photo opp with a new American friend.

A playful moment!

Time to be a kid!

A soda treat!

Time to hang with teacher colleagues. 

Do What You Love and Love What You Do

I recently wrote a post on Facebook. 
I want to linger on this idea of working with passionate people:

Work is an integral part of our life. 
Work is how we spend our time, an opportunity to pursue passions, 
and a chance to changing the lives of others. 

Hours spent.
Days spent.
Years spent.
Time with some people, time away from others.
Time commuting to and from work.
Alarm clocks and deadlines.
Culmination of your life is based on the work that we do in our career.

At a dinner party, when someone asks, "so, what do you do?" is your response "I work in PR." Or is your response something more to the effect of "I'm currently writing a book about digital lesson planning. Want to hear about it?"

When you team up with the right people, magic CAN happen. Whether its a partner at your school site, a grade level team, someone across the district you work with, or a new buddy on Twitter -- find that someone who is going to help you change lives. Find the person who will push you to take risks, try new things, talk through concerns about students, and encourage you to be the change.

Jen Perazzo-Maina and Charles Maina are a great example of this lesson, too. For years now, they have been quietly doing their thing. Passionate about Charles's native roots, and staying connected to Kenya from across the world, they started their own Safari company. Their company, Overlander Safaris, leads families around different countries in Africa. More recently, Jen and Charles merged their two passions together to form Elimu Safari -- an Educational Journey where teachers work in schools and experience a traditional African safari. They have been doing what they love, and loving what they do!

From my own personal experience with Elimu Safari, I have been reminded of how important it is to DO WHAT YOU LOVE AND LOVE WHAT YOU DO! And doing it with people you love to work with makes the work even more meaningful and wonderful!

The Power of Song

Here in Pleasanton, our schools offer about 45 minutes of music class each week. And kids learn to play instruments, practice songs, and even have performances. But in Kenya, music class is every day. Students seem to have music in their hearts each and every day, ready to share a song at a moment's notice. When visiting another country, and stepping foot into the classrooms at Oloongila Primary School, I immediately learned the power of song.

Very quickly it became clear in the Kenyan schools: Song serves as a bridge between two languages, two cultures.
Song as a Welcome

Only ten minutes after my arrival at Olongila Primary School, the girls from Class 7 and Class 8 assembled. They lined up nervously to share their voices with me, to welcome me as a guest at their school. The dust kicked around as their bodies moved side-to-side, up and down. The backdrop for this welcome ceremony was a few sparse trees and a field of wheat. My initial thoughts were racing: Look at their uniforms, torn and tattered. Look at their hair, so different than mine. Look at their shoes, so work out. But, oh! Look at their smiles, so bright and inviting.  

Sharing a traditional Maasai song was a universal way to say, "hello, visitor from America, welcome to our culture." After only a few minutes of hearing their voices, I knew that the children of this village had warm hearts. Their song did more than just welcome me, it gave me a little insight into who they were as young East-Africans, as students, and as a future generation of Maasai to carry on the traditional songs.

Song as Praise 

Throughout our educational exchange, we had opportunities to observe teaching practices in the classroom. In what ways are classroom management and student motivation the same in both America and Kenya? And in what ways are they different? I was quickly impressed with one of the teachers, Evans Orango, for his energy and enthusiasm. He would constantly pause, invite students to join him in a quick celebration, and then continue teaching. I can hear his voice now ... "A very good?" And the young students response, "CLASS!" Thr praise was for the pupils, the class as a whole, and even for the teachers themselves. Typically when we think of call and response teaching methods, we are not using this practice for motivation! This was a welcome change, and I'm thankful that Evans taught me how powerful song can be as a means of praising learners! 

Song as Communication Tool

When students are just learning English in 1st grade, what better way to communicate but through song? These young learners jumped up and immediately started to sing and dance as I walked into the room. I realize that English was their third language, and I don't speak any Swahili or Maa (their native language). But, somehow we were able to communicate just fine by meeting in the middle with song and dance. Well, I was able to dance with them, at least.

Song as Community Builder

The host school that we camped at would greet us each morning with an assembly. Hundreds of students in grades 1-8 would assemble at a flag salute.  Through song they would unite as a community of students, as a community of Maasai children. Brothers and sisters, neighbors and friends, the children would use song as a way of standing united. They graced us with their voices. Coming together in such an organized manner really blew me away. I would cry each morning. What a unique and beautiful way to start the day. The students' voices would meet in harmony, giving thanks to Jesus and singing the Kenya National Anthem. "I love you Jesus, you are my savior," the young community would offer up.

If our students here would gather more often and sing together, I believe we might have an equally peaceful, united community of learners.